Interpersonal Communication

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


What is social clock?

  1. Stage models posited a linear set of stages that people progressed through over the course of alifetime.

  2. Atimes culture will organised our social clock at specific of our life time- example, are people who have always been single viewed more negatively when they are middle-aged adults than when they are young adults
  3. Have you ever heard someone say (or said yourself) "my clock is ticking." This is an example of a social clock which is a cultural specific timetable for events to occur. Events include marriage, having children, example, in some cultures it is expected that people be married in their teens.
  4. This is an example of a social clock - in that cutlture they have an accepted timetable for when events are to occur.
  5. Sometime our feelings will influence our behaviour.
  6. Feel out of step

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