Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith is the sixth and final most futile installment by the talented producer/director, George Lucas. He tried to recreate a prequel trilogy to match or surpass the mind blowing saga he unleashed almost twenty eight years ago but alas, he failed miserably. I watched this movie with apprehension, hoping I’d be proven wrong. Nay, I was right. The movie is below the bridge, in the muddy waters and stinking of unwanted garbage.
See, it started with the wooden Anakin Skywalker (to even call him wooden would be an affront to puppets everywhere) and Obi - Wan Kenobi (his mischievous ways saved him) rescuing Chancellor Palpatine (the droning and rubber faced villain) during the war between their Republic and Separatist Alliance. Anakin was secretly married to Senator Padme (the vacant eyed and weak so called fighter) and to listen to her talk about their secret marriage (Jedi’s can’t marry) is to redefine pretentious. It was a heresy! Anakin Skywalker, the innocent, naïve and responsible Jedi knight turned into a pompous, ass – kissing, power loving and arrogant man. That change in character if did not shock me, actually gave me a huge disappointment. It was a lame excuse to re-create the drama.
When Chancellor Palpatine revealed to the bird brained Anakin that he practices the dark arts, the young Jedi was seduced by the power he could wield if he were to practice it. The Chancellor takes Anakin into his confidence and tried to draw him into the dark side. See, fear is always what was wrought in Anakin’s mind after dreaming about his pretty yet weak willed wife suffering and close to death. Anakin’s heart kept changing all throughout the movie with him in this scene facing uncertainty and insecurity. The Chancellor pressed Anakin saying that if he were to become a practitioner of the dark arts, he’ll save Padme. I was hoping, nurturing the hope, you can say that Revenge of the Sith would spin our belaboured heads around with the dark magic of Darth Vader but alas, once again I failed to perceive my intuition that this movie will make me cry blood.
Anakin, with one foot in the dark side turn into a full fledged dark one after he chopped off Mace Windu’s arm, giving the Chancellor the chance to deliver the death blow. He was ordered to kill all Jedi’s, even the young ones. And with the delight of some of the morbid fans, he slaughtered them in cold blood. With his paranoid behaviour (he should get a shrink), he suspected Padme with fraternizing with the enemy (poor ‘ol Jedis’) and with Obi –Wan, his master and mentor. He was never like that before. The young love struck teenager in Clone Wars was innocent (pitiful actually) and filled with raging hormones.
Obi – Wan went to Padme’s place (no wonder Anakin suspects something… Obi’s this rugged Jedi who is very accomplished man and spending time with his wife) and told her the truth of the whole situation and took her away. Anakin fought with Obi –Wan in the lava planet, Mustafa and Obi – Wan defeated Anakin with a stroke of deadly luck. Poor Anakin fell into the lava flow, and became a misshapen man with no arms, legs and burns all over his body. Chancellor sensed that he was in danger and went out to rescue him. Padme, spirited away with Obi – Wan, gave birth to twin, Leia & Luke. She, unfortunately being weak and broken hearted died in child birth. Anakin was revived by the medics, and was fitted back together, Frankenstein style and he is now known as Darth Vader, half man, half machine.
Thus ends the epic movie, Revenge of the Sith, hoping that it was never made in the first place...
See, it started with the wooden Anakin Skywalker (to even call him wooden would be an affront to puppets everywhere) and Obi - Wan Kenobi (his mischievous ways saved him) rescuing Chancellor Palpatine (the droning and rubber faced villain) during the war between their Republic and Separatist Alliance. Anakin was secretly married to Senator Padme (the vacant eyed and weak so called fighter) and to listen to her talk about their secret marriage (Jedi’s can’t marry) is to redefine pretentious. It was a heresy! Anakin Skywalker, the innocent, naïve and responsible Jedi knight turned into a pompous, ass – kissing, power loving and arrogant man. That change in character if did not shock me, actually gave me a huge disappointment. It was a lame excuse to re-create the drama.
When Chancellor Palpatine revealed to the bird brained Anakin that he practices the dark arts, the young Jedi was seduced by the power he could wield if he were to practice it. The Chancellor takes Anakin into his confidence and tried to draw him into the dark side. See, fear is always what was wrought in Anakin’s mind after dreaming about his pretty yet weak willed wife suffering and close to death. Anakin’s heart kept changing all throughout the movie with him in this scene facing uncertainty and insecurity. The Chancellor pressed Anakin saying that if he were to become a practitioner of the dark arts, he’ll save Padme. I was hoping, nurturing the hope, you can say that Revenge of the Sith would spin our belaboured heads around with the dark magic of Darth Vader but alas, once again I failed to perceive my intuition that this movie will make me cry blood.
Anakin, with one foot in the dark side turn into a full fledged dark one after he chopped off Mace Windu’s arm, giving the Chancellor the chance to deliver the death blow. He was ordered to kill all Jedi’s, even the young ones. And with the delight of some of the morbid fans, he slaughtered them in cold blood. With his paranoid behaviour (he should get a shrink), he suspected Padme with fraternizing with the enemy (poor ‘ol Jedis’) and with Obi –Wan, his master and mentor. He was never like that before. The young love struck teenager in Clone Wars was innocent (pitiful actually) and filled with raging hormones.
Obi – Wan went to Padme’s place (no wonder Anakin suspects something… Obi’s this rugged Jedi who is very accomplished man and spending time with his wife) and told her the truth of the whole situation and took her away. Anakin fought with Obi –Wan in the lava planet, Mustafa and Obi – Wan defeated Anakin with a stroke of deadly luck. Poor Anakin fell into the lava flow, and became a misshapen man with no arms, legs and burns all over his body. Chancellor sensed that he was in danger and went out to rescue him. Padme, spirited away with Obi – Wan, gave birth to twin, Leia & Luke. She, unfortunately being weak and broken hearted died in child birth. Anakin was revived by the medics, and was fitted back together, Frankenstein style and he is now known as Darth Vader, half man, half machine.
Thus ends the epic movie, Revenge of the Sith, hoping that it was never made in the first place...
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